Our research sits at the intersection of environmental microbiology, genomics, and evolutionary biology. We harness the power of ‘omics technologies, bioinformatics, and data science to investigate the role of viruses, microbes, and their interactions in environments relevant to human health and interests.
Bioinformatics, proteomics and protein modeling to annotate viral genomes.
We develop novel quantitative approaches that incorporate proteomic data to annotate viruses from metagenomes. Beyond just annotating sequence space, this approach provides a means to compare frequencies across environmental gradients, allowing the generation of predictive models to better understand viral functions and their ecological impacts

'Omics and data science for pathogen tracking

We sequence pathogen evolution and ecological dynamics to develop predictive and causal models of their emergence and behavior.
Metagenomic data mining for virus discovery, ecological, and evolutionary characterization
We are harnessing the power of big data as generated by metagenomics to identify novel viruses, characterize their ecological significance and their evolutionary dynamics.